Перегляд книги

Лакосина Н.Г. Ушаков Г.К. (Lakosina N.G. Ushakov G.K.) Медицинская психология (Medical psychology) Москва: Медицина. 1984р. 272с., тип переплетіння: тверда обкладинка.

Категорiя: Книга, журнал, альманах

Рубрика: Медицина, історія медицини; Психологія; Іншомовні книги;

Місце походження товару: СССР

Мова: російська

Опис: Классический учебник по медицинской психологии, необходим как врачам, так и тем кто профессионально занимается психологией или серьезно интересуется этой наукой. Soviet textbook of medical psychology. Dedicated to general and private medical psychology. The main criteria of a normal, temporarily altered and morbid psyche are shown, especially the psychology of a doctor and the relationship between a doctor and a patient. The main provisions of the doctrine of psychosomatic and somatopsychic mutual influences, questions of medical deontology are considered. In the section of private medical psychology, issues of medical ethics are considered. Particular attention is paid to the so-called psychosomatic diseases. The psychology of persons with congenital and acquired defects of the face and sense organs is covered. Soviet textbook of medical psychology. Dedicated to general and private medical psychology. The main criteria of a normal, temporarily altered and morbid psyche are shown, especially the psychology of a doctor and the relationship between a doctor and a patient. The main provisions of the doctrine of psychosomatic and somatopsychic mutual influences, questions of medical deontology are considered. In the section of private medical psychology, issues of medical ethics are considered. Particular attention is paid to the so-called psychosomatic diseases. The psychology of persons with congenital and acquired defects of the face and sense organs is covered.

Стан: Очень хорошее.

(Продавець: bookseller)

Ціна 200,00 грн.

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