Перегляд книги

Murray Spiegel Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists (Schaum's Outline) 1971р. тип переплетіння: тверда обкладинка.

Категорiя: Книга, журнал, альманах

Рубрика: Математика;

Місце походження товару: Азия

Опис: This Schaum's Study Guide is the perfect way for scientists and engineers to master the tools of advanced mathematics for scientists and engineers. Fully stocked with solved problemsÑ950 of themÑit shows you how to solve problems that may not have been fully explained in class. Plus you get hundreds of additional problems to use for practice, with answers at the back of the book. Ideal for independent study, brushup before exams, or preparation for professional tests, this Schaums Guide is clear, complete, and well-organized. It's the perfect supplement for any course in advanced mathematics for science and engineering, and a super helper for the math-challenged. This SchaumÕs Outline provides a comprehensive review of advanced mathematical theory and methods youÕll really use in high-tech industries and scientific research.

(Продавець: sevost)

Ціна 130,00 грн.

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