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Language: russian
Description of seller
Payment methods: На картку Монобанк, АБанк
Delivery: Укрпошта або Нова пошта лише по Україні
Description of seller: Книжки вживані та нові. На запитання відповідаю лише в повідомленнях. Телеграм/вайбер 068-573-82-06 Декілька лотів відправляю однією посилкою. Надійна упаковка. Оплата на картку Висилаю Укрпоштою або Новою Поштою. Після відправлення повідомляю номер ТТН. При оплаті враховуйте комісію. Вартість доставки сплачуєте при отриманні посилки за діючими тарифами.
On site from: 11.04.2024
bookkeeper offers to buy (116):
- Collection material under rubrics:
- Arts (3)
- Painting, graphics (3)
- Library Adventure and Science Fiction (book series) (1)
- Individual volumes of multivolume editions (2)
- Ukrainian foreign publications (1)
- Ukrainistics (5)
- Military themes (6)
- Anthropology, ethnography, mythology, folklore (1)
- Regional studies of Western Ukraine (1)
- Ancient Philosophy (2)
- The philosophy of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (1)
- Newest time philosophy - Western philosophy. (XX-XXI centuries). (2)
- Sociology, cultural studies, history of everyday life (1)
- Literary criticism (3)
- History of Ancient Greece and Rome (1)
- Ancient History (other regions) (1)
- Medieval History (476-1640 gg.) (2)
- Modern History (1640-1918 gg.) (2)
- Contemporary history (since 1918) (1)
- History of Ukraine (5)
- Military history (2)
- Intelligence, security services (1)
- Biographies, memoirs, pictures: War, Politics, Diplomacy (8)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Arts (theater, music, movies, etc.) (3)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Literature (5)
- Earth sciences (geography, geology, etc.) (3)
- Other natural sciences (1)
- Theory and art history, aesthetics (2)
- Music, singing: notes, libretto (1)
- Cinema, TV (2)
- Housekeeping, Cooking, Drinks (1)
- Children`s Literature: Prose (1)
- Children`s Books: Illustrated Books for Kids (1)
- Poetry to the XX century. (4)
- Poetry XX-XXI centuries. (2)
- Prose of the XIX century in Ukrainian language (1)
- Prose of the XIX century in Ukrainian language (1)
- Prose XX-XXI centuries. in Ukrainian language (4)
- Prose of the XIX century in the Russian translation (8)
- Prose XX-XXI centuries. in Russian translation (29)
- Ukrainian prose to the XX century. (2)
- Russian prose to the XX century. (1)
- Ukrainian prose of XX-XXI centuries. (14)
- Russian prose of XX-XXI centuries. (3)
- Historical novels (17)
- Adventure (18)
- Fantasy, utopian and dystopian fiction (21)
- Detectives, Adventure (6)
- Romance novels and works of other genres of love (4)
- Multi-volume edition of collected works (4)
- Technology, History of Technology (1)
- Ukrainian literature and art of the period `Executed Renaissance` - of 1920-1930. (2)
- Ukrainian book series of The Adventures and Science Fiction (1)
- The revolutionary group, the rebel troops, the guerrillas, individual and group acts of terror and sabotage (2)
- Textbooks and manuals for students (1)
- Ukrainian series "Бібліотека пригод та наукової фантастики" ("Library of Adventures and Science Fiction") (1)
- History of philosophy (1)
- Gothic novel, thriller, horror (3)
- Historiography (2)
- History of science (1)